
Goodwill Collects, Distributes Clothing for Veterans With Upcoming Job Interviews

Everglades University recently partnered with Goodwill Manasota to collect business attire for local veterans.

By Staff December 15, 2020

Goodwill Manasota's "Suits for Vets" program. 

The Sarasota campus of Everglades University recently partnered with Goodwill Manasota's Veterans Services program to collect business attire and personal items for local veterans. Goodwill's "Suits for Vets" program distributes professional attire that has been donated to veterans who need clothing for upcoming job interviews. The university's donation provided a collection of suits, casual clothing and personal hygiene items. Everglades University is a "Yellow Ribbon school," which means it partners with veterans looking to receive an education after serving in the military.

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