Fast Track

Icard Merrill Names New Firm President

Telese L. Zuberer succeeds Robert Lyons.

By Staff January 24, 2022

Telese Zuberer

Telese Zuberer

Icard Merrill has announced that Telese L. Zuberer has succeeded Robert G. Lyons as the law firm’s president. The change in leadership is the first in 23 years, and Zuberer is the first female to hold the position.

Zuberer co-founded and operated McKay Law Firm, P.A., for 13 years before joining Icard Merrill as a shareholder in 2017. The move to Icard Merrill, with a larger firm infrastructure and framework, allowed  growth for her community association law practice. Lyons will continue his mediation and arbitration practice at the firm’s Sarasota headquarters. Icard Merrill, which opened its first office in Sarasota in 1953, also has offices in Lakewood Ranch, Punta Gorda, and St. Petersburg.

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