

By Megan McDonald October 14, 2011

If you’ve ever suffered from an overdose of too much Disney sweetness and light, the current show at the Golden Apple Dinner TheatreDisenchanted (featuring the Bitches of the Kingdom)—might work as an antidote for you.

The newish musical comedy revue, created by Dennis Giacino with additional lyrics by Fiely Matias, brings to the stage many of the familiar Disney princesses from films over the decades: Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, etc. They all have a gripe about living happily ever after, which ain’t what it’s cracked up to be.


Belle (Dianne Dawson) from Beauty and the Beast isn’t thrilled about living with, well, an animal. Mulan (Jenn Abreu) realizes she’s the only princess without a guy, leading her to think she might be a lesbian. Cinderella (Mari Bryan) would really like to be able to eat without worrying about the exaggeratedly slender figure Disney princesses tend to have, and Pocahontas (Aileen Suseck) is steamed about both her revealing costume and her wild hairstyle.

There’s more: Ariel (Hilary Kraus) kinda regrets giving up her undersea kingdom and having to deal with Two Legs, and Rapunzel (Helen Holliday), portrayed with a Teutonic air, is plenty pissed that she gets Not V’One Red Cent from all the Disney merchandise featuring her image. You get the idea.

It’s a slight but often clever jab at the Magic Kingdom, albeit one that takes a while to get started (the opening number feels unnecessarily drawn out). The actresses all have talent and the right spirit; longtime Apple visitors in particular will get a hoot out of Roberta MacDonald in three appearances as Secondary Princesses—characters that didn’t get enough of the limelight, in her opinion. Seeing MacDonald shuffle grumpily onto the stage in black tights and long T-shirts evoking certain skimpy Disney garb means you’re guaranteed at least a laugh or two. In fact, all the costumes by David Walker (and portraits by Steve Dawson) are a boost to instant identification of each princess.

And, with all the satire, you might even find a certain message in liberated princesses getting their girl power on and refusing to live the Once Upon a Time fallacy. The show continues only through Oct. 23; for tickets call 366-5454 or go to


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