
Tax Day Cocktail Relief

Jack Dusty mixologist Roy Reig shares some tax-day cocktails sure to offer some relief

By Megan McDonald April 15, 2013

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Jackdustycocktails f8lbzp
Roy Reig, Jack Dusty mixologist.[/caption]

Just filed your taxes and need some relief? We've got just the thing for you, thanks to Jack Dusty mixologist Roy Reig, who's sharing two recipes for cocktails that we're sure will either alleviate the pain or be perfect for toasting to your good fortune.

Tax Man-Up

A hard, stiff cocktail served over one large ice sphere

1 1/4 ounce Applejack

3/4 ounce Makers Mark

1 barspoon Maple syrup

1 barspoon Coffee liqueur

Baby Apple for garnish

Method: Stir and strain over one large ice cube in 8 oz. double Old Fashioned or rocks glass.

Tax Day Sweet Relief

Tax day is a taxing holiday. Here’s a form of sweet relief.

2 oz. LBV 2007 Port Wine

½ ounce Disaronno

½ ounce Frangelico

½ ounce egg whites

Cinnamon for garnish

Method: Shake all but cinnamon over ice and strain into port glass. Sprinkle with cinnamon.

Read our review of Jack Dusty in our April issue.

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