
Luxury Home Newsletter: 12/15/2015

By Sarasota Magazine December 14, 2015

The baby boomers, they tell us, are packing their bags and moving to Sarasota. Finally.

But which Sarasota? There are so many lifestyles to choose from that it must be a bit daunting for these affluent overachievers to figure it all out. And retirement is changing so radically these days. It’s no longer the golf and mahjong of their parents’ era. Besides, the boomers themselves are a new breed of retirees, with aspirations and demands their parents never dreamed of.

Fortunately, Sarasota is at the forefront of cutting-edge retirement. We have the options these idiosyncratic, hard-to-please boomers are looking for. Let’s take a look at some of today’s archetypal retirees and figure out which lifestyle—and neighborhood—will suit them best.

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