Spirits of Sarasota

Cocktail of the Week: Tommy Bahama's Tahitian Limeade

You put the gin in the coconut and then you ponder the effects of colonialism.

By Hannah Wallace February 22, 2017

Tommy bahama bfe0tw

This week: The Tahitian Limeade at Tommy Bahama

The drink: Gin, orgeat, lime, cream of coconut. An interesting British/island blend, this is a beverage that definitely should be sipped while wearing a pith helmet. I like the idea--sweet-tart up front morphing into an unexpected juniper flavor--but the coconut concoction is a bit overpowering. Still, an interesting go-to if you're looking for an herby twist on a piña colada. 

The bar: Tommy Bahama's upstairs/downstairs setup is rightfully hopping. The clean take on island style--as is TB's signature--suits St. Armands perfectly.

Food: Yucca fries deserve a spot in the pantheon of bar bites.

Other notable potables: More than a dozen signature cocktails, including a sub-menu devoted to rum drinks. Check out the Bahia Sangria, made with brandy, red wine and a selection of fruits. 

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