
Organization Creates Campaign for More Accessory Dwelling Units

The Helpful Hopeful Housing campaign is in response to the region's affordable housing crisis.

By Staff March 17, 2020

An example of an accessory dwelling unit.

Image: Alamy Stock

The Helpful Hopeful Housing (HHH) campaign, a function of the Jericho Project, has focused on accessory dwelling units (ADUs) as a solution to the region's affordable housing crisis. ADUs are generally placed in the yard of existing single-family homes. Sometimes called "granny flats," garage apartments, guest houses, extra living spaces, cottages and “tiny” homes, they are distinguished by the presence of a stove, a bathroom and kitchen facilities. Sarasota County allows a maximum of 750 square feet for an ADU and 1,200 square feet for a guest house. 

At its February 18 event, the HHH campaign created a set of guidelines to help turn local governments into advocates for ADUs by encouraging streamlined regulations and processes. The campaign seeks to stimulate the local small-building industry by having small homes made widely available for placement in side or rear yards by local contractors. The campaign also wants to add to the inventory of homes for two cohorts most likely to live in an ADU: the elderly and the one or two employed people who need a home close to their work. For more information about the campaign, click here

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