
Florida's Minimum Wage Rises to $10 Thursday

The increase is the first step toward an eventual $15 minimum wage.

By Cooper Levey-Baker September 29, 2021

Hundreds of thousands of minimum wage workers in Florida—more than 600,000 of them, in fact—will see a boost in their paychecks starting Thursday, Sept. 30, when the first in a series of increases to the state's minimum wage takes effect.

Florida's minimum hourly wage rises from $8.65 an hour to $10 this week, and will rise by $1 each September until it reaches $15 an hour in 2026. After that point, the wage will rise each year to match inflation.

The increase is thanks to the approval of Amendment 2 by 60.8 percent of Florida voters in last fall's general election. The amendment was championed by low-wage workers, unions, labor activists, business owners and the influential attorney John Morgan of Morgan & Morgan.

Supporters of the increase say it will help people living paycheck to paycheck cover basic living expenses and give a boost to the economy by putting more money to spend in people's pockets. Many business owners argue that the increase will lead to higher prices for consumers and layoffs. It is estimated that 2.5 million Floridians will eventually see their pay increase.

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