
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Is Sarasota GOP's 'Statesman of the Year'

Pompeo is the 10th recipient of the award, which has also been given to Ron DeSantis, Lindsey Graham, Sean Hannity and Ted Cruz.

By Staff February 2, 2022

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is the Republican Party of Sarasota's 10th annual Statesman of the Year.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is the Republican Party of Sarasota's 10th annual Statesman of the Year.

The Republican Party of Sarasota County has named the former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as its 2022 Statesman of the Year. Pompeo is the 10th recipient of the annual award. Pompeo, who was director of the CIA prior to being named Secretary of State, will accept the award at a March 24 dinner.

Previous Statesman of the Year winners include former President Donald Trump, who was given the award twice; Gov. Ron DeSantis, last year's winner; former Vice-President Dick Cheney and his daughter, Rep. Liz Cheney; radio host and former Fox News commentator Sean Hannity; former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour; and and Sens. Rick Scott, Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz.

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