It's That Time Again

Poll Workers Are Needed for Election Season

Deputies and inspectors will be paid $175-$300 for both the Aug. 23 and Nov. 8 elections.

By Staff June 27, 2022

Poll workers are needed for upcoming elections.

Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner is asking citizens to become poll workers for the upcoming election season, which includes primary elections on Aug. 23 and a Nov. 8 general election.

Poll workers ensure polling places are run efficiently, accurately and fairly. They will be trained to be inspectors and deputies and will be paid from $175 to $300 per election. If interested in applying, you must be a registered (or pre-registered) voter in Sarasota County and able to attend the necessary training.

Turner is also urging high school and college students to apply. In addition to being paid, students can receive community service hours.

Want to apply? Click here or call (941) 861-8640.

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