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12 Best Sites to Buy Instagram Likes Reviewed (Updated)

You post lots of great videos and photos on your Instagram account. But it seems that very few people ever see them. That’s not unusual. It’s also not unusual to want a much larger audience for your posts.

Presented by SMM Performance July 28, 2023

Don’t feel bad. The fact that only a few friends and family members hit the “like” button has nothing to do with the quality of your content.

It has everything to do with the way that Instagram works.

I’m Ryan Campbell, and no one ever used to like my videos, either. Today, I’m an Instagram influencer and my posts routinely rack up hundreds of thousands of likes. A number of them have gone viral, too, receiving millions of views and likes.

It’s all because I bought Instagram likes.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t buy hundreds of thousands of likes for every post I make. The IG likes I buy are simply used to “prime the pump.” That works in two ways.

  1. When the Insta algorithms see a growing number of likes on my videos, they recognize that my content is “becoming popular.” In response, Instagram starts showing my vids to more and more random users — giving them the opportunity to watch them, like them, and follow me to see more of what I create.
  2. When those random users see my videos, they’ll notice that lots of people have already liked them. That makes them think “If so many people like that video, it must be good.” That makes them more likely to watch it and like it.

Buying Instagram likes was a major factor in building my IG account from a few dozen followers to more than half a million followers; many of the users who saw and liked my videos have now become my fans.

And quickly, I went from being a frustrated Instagram poster to a paid Instagram influencer.

Where do I buy Instagram likes?

With a tip of the hat to XLent Media Services, which collaborated with me on this article, here are the sources I’ve used regularly.

12 Top Sites for Buying Instagram Likes - My Expert Picks

My All-Stars (These are the best sites to buy Instagram likes)

1. Twicsy

I’ve tried dozens of Instagram service providers and I haven’t found any that are better than Twicsy. I’m not alone; the company has been praised just as highly by publications like Men’s Journal and Digital Trends.

Most important to me: Twicsy’s service works. I’ve built a huge following and had numerous videos go viral, thanks primarily to their real interactions from real users (they never deliver “fake,” bot-generated likes that don’t work and can get your account banned). I particularly like their “premium” likes, which come from even more authoritative Instagram accounts.

Everything else about this provider is top-notch, too. Their Instagram likes show up almost immediately after I order (you can opt for slower delivery if that’s your preference), they can provide anywhere from 50 to 10,000 real or premium likes, you can split your order between multiple posts, and their prices are at or below market average for high-end services.

They give you free video views when you order likes, and if you need customer support it’s available 24 hours a day. Their agents are happy to put together custom packages for you, too.

I do still use other providers to mix things up— but I always come back to Twicsy.

Order Real Instagram Likes from Twicsy Now

2. Buzzoid

If Twicsy was unavailable for some reason, I’d use Buzzoid. The reason is simple: they’re very similar to Twicsy and almost as good.

They both deliver real likes from real IG users, they both can upgrade you to “premium” likes for an extra charge, and the sizes of their offerings are just about identical, as are their prices. Buzzoid provides the same secure ordering process and protection as Twicsy, includes video views free of charge, and lets you split likes between posts.

What’s the downside of using Buzzoid? Well, their likes don’t give my posts quite the same boost as Twicsy’s — but as they say, your mileage may vary. And just to be clear, I still buy interactions from Buzzoid when I want to use a different provider. I’d suggest trying both to see how they perform for you.

Order Real Instagram Likes from Buzzoid Now

3. Rushmax

I use Rushmax, too. The reason is simple: they provide just about the same quality service as Twicsy and Buzzoid. The likes are real and high-quality, with “premium” likes also available, and all at just about the same price level as the other two providers. Safety and security, free video views, split likes if desired, great support — Rushmax does just about everything you could want.

There’s just one difference from my perspective. Rushmax’s likes deliver the third-best results for my Instagram videos, so they’re #3 on my list. Easy as that. They’re effective, just not as effective as the likes that the other two companies deliver.

When I want to vary my suppliers though, Rushmax is one of my regular go-to providers.

They’re definitely worth trying.

Order Real Instagram Likes from Rushmax Now

My Loaded Bench - Decent Alternatives

All of these providers sell real Instagram likes. They all do some things well, but there are reasons I only use them occasionally or have just tried them once. I’ll highlight the pros and cons of each.

4. FastLikes

Pros: Small packages (25 likes) available, higher than 25,000 on request, decent quality. Cons: High prices (in Euros, not dollars), no free video views or split likes.

5. GoRead

Pros: Good, discount coupons available, fast delivery. Be sure to choose “active likes.” Cons: Confusing website (“high-quality likes” are fake ones), limited packages (200-8,000).

6. QubeViews

Pros: Budget pricing, offers up to 50,000 real likes, may split likes, provides free video views. Cons: Can’t split likes on smaller packages, my results weren’t overly impressive.

7. Thunderclap

Pros: Packages of 50-50,000 Instagram real likes, bargain pricing, premium likes available. Cons: Prices suspiciously low but I tried them and had no problems, just average results.

8. Likes.io

Pros: Experienced, reasonable prices for real likes, up to 30,000 real and active likes. Cons: Slow delivery and very high prices for active likes, no free video views.

9. Sides Media

Pros: Decent prices, fast delivery, good quality. Cons: No premium likes available, no video views included, can’t split likes between posts.

10. Social Pros

Pros: Can deliver as many as 40,000 real or premium likes, offers premium likes. Cons: Pricing all over the map, some packages much more expensive than they should be.

11. GetViral

Pros: 100-40,000 real likes available, premium likes available, decent quality. Cons: Delivery may not start for eight hours, video views not included for free.

12. InstaMama

Pros: Very high quality since likes are sourced from social media ads. Cons: Only 500, 1,000, or 2,500 likes available at sky-high prices, with slow delivery.

So Buying Likes Increases the Exposure You Get On Instagram?

That’s the way it works, but only if you use an established and trusted service to buy Instagram likes - such as Twicsy, Buzzoid and Rushmax.

Instagram is inundated with new content every day. Users upload about 100 million new videos and photos every day of the week. That means the system has a big problem to deal with: they have much more content than they can show to a large audience.

What they’ve done is make internal rules that govern the content’s exposure. Popular videos and those posted by the platform’s most popular accounts are prioritized.

In short, videos that are already popular are given the greatest opportunity to become even more popular.

That explains the rationale behind buying Instagram likes. If you can make the system think that your video is popular, it will be given a bigger audience. Buying interactions increases your like count and in effect buys you exposure.

As more and more users are given the chance to watch and like your content, your metrics improve organically — and your audience keeps increasing. Before you know it, you’ve got a truly popular video.

Does that sound crazy? Perhaps. Does it work? Absolutely.

Does It Matter Who You Buy Instagram Likes From?

It doesn’t just matter. It’s crucial.

There are literally hundreds of companies willing to put Instagram likes directly into your account. They’re not all the same. Many are playing fast-and-loose with their customers — and with Instagram.

Those disreputable services have automated bots that can add “fake” likes to IG videos. They’re phantom likes, not associated with real Instagram users’ accounts. And that clearly violates the platform’s terms and conditions.

What happens next? Instagram quickly detects and deletes the fake likes. You’ve spent money to buy interactions that don’t help your popularity at all.

But that’s not the worst part. The platform often penalizes users who buy fake engagements. In the worst-case scenario, they delete the user’s account entirely.

That’s obviously not good.

Using a reputable Instagram provider who delivers real likes from real Instagram accounts is the only way to go. First of all, it keeps your account safe. And second, your videos will be receiving authentic likes from real IG users. That’s perfectly within Instagram’s rules, so the likes will never disappear — and you’ll start seeing your exposure on the platform grow.

It might seem that you’re saving a few bucks by purchasing fake likes. In reality, you’re being scammed out of your money, and you might be endangering your Instagram presence.

How Do Reputable Vendors Deliver Real Likes?

They have large networks of real Instagram users with real accounts. Once you’ve placed your order, those users will log on and like your video(s). Since the interactions are coming from real people, they’re legitimate in Instagram’s eyes and you’ll reap the benefits of a growing like count.

Do I Need to Buy Instagram Followers Too?

It’s an excellent idea.

Not only does the platform give extra exposure to popular videos, but it also gives extra exposure to content posted by popular accounts. When you buy IG followers (make sure they’re real followers!), the system sees your account growing in importance and rewards you with an increased audience for all of your content.

I compare the process of becoming popular to an avalanche, which starts with just a few falling rocks or pieces of loose snow. It keeps gaining power until it becomes a deluge.

Adding real followers and likes is what gets the first “rocks” falling. As your new audience starts liking your videos and following your account, your organic growth keeps picking up speed until it becomes unstoppable.

It’s how I became an influencer — so I know it works! So, to sum up, the best sites to buy Instagram likes today safely and effectively are Twicsy, Buzzoid and Rushmax. 
