The daughter of local theater folk, Hannah Wallace received her English degree from Stetson University and has been an editor for Sarasota (et al) since 2005, specializing in health, culture, cocktails and sarcasm. When she’s not researching bars or interviewing comedians, Hannah abuses her body and entertains observers with various athletic pursuits, including ice hockey and running from zombies.


How to Handle COVID-19 at Home

Most of us will quarantine at home when we're infected. Sarasota Memorial Hospital doctors offer tips for equipment and people to have on hand.

07/28/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Mental Health

How to Chill Out: Summer 2020 Version

Simple solutions for calming—and cooling—down in these uncertain times.

07/21/2020 By Hannah Wallace

First Person

'My Summer With Irma'

As Sarasota's arts organizations face an uncertain fate, writer Hannah Wallace remembers one glorious summer at Asolo Repertory Theatre.

07/13/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Trend Report

Everything You Need to Know About Cosmetic Tattoos

The thing with cosmetic tattoos, according to Sarasota tattoo artist Ashley Holland, is that they should be visible but not necessarily noticeable.

07/07/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Corona Q & A

Ask the Expert: An Infectious Disease Doctor Answers Your Coronavirus Questions

SMH’s infectious disease expert on the “second wave,” wearing a mask and grandparenting.

05/14/2020 By Hannah Wallace


USF Epidemiologist Provides Sweeping COVID-19 Updates

When asked about a return to “normal time,” Dr. John Sinnott compared the COVID-19 crisis to 9/11: “We will never return to normal after this."

05/07/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Celebrating Nurses

What It's Like Being a Nurse During COVID-19

Behind the scenes with a Sarasota Memorial Hospital nurse.

05/06/2020 With Hannah Wallace

Public Health

Sarasota Simulators Used for COVID-19 Training

CAE Healthcare has created a downloadable “Simulated Clinical Experience” (SCE) that can be used to recreate the symptoms and behaviors of a sick patient.

03/15/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Public Health

Hospice, Retirement Communities Implement Coronavirus Precautions

Measures include canceling meetings and activities, limiting visitors, and even screening people as they enter campuses and facilities.

03/15/2020 By Hannah Wallace


New Class Teaches the Movements of Ballet to People With Parkinson's

Dancing Through Parkinson’s participants work on range of motion, strength and muscle tone, all while practicing deliberate movements and coordination.

02/06/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Unity Awards

Phil Mockler Aids 'The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Those Who Put Their Life on the Line Every Day'

Everyday Heroes USA supports military and first responders.

01/30/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Unity Awards

Gabriel Ortiz Changes Young Lives Through the Power of Theater

“My life is about stories, tracing one point to the next. That’s what I say to my kids: ‘How do we take over our narratives?’”

01/30/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Unity Awards

John Annis Is a Connector For Community Change

“There’s a bunch of people out there who want to do good things. All they need to do is be asked.”

01/30/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Unity Awards

Top CEO Turned Minister Brock Leach Uses Leadership to Help the Disadvantaged

“It was a revelation for me that I could make a difference for someone else."

01/30/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Second Sight

A Tiny Telescope Is Restoring Vision for Macular Degeneration Patients

Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of irreversible blindness in people over 60. A Sarasota doctor wants to change that.

01/17/2020 By Hannah Wallace

Horse Whisperers

These Three Pros Help Horses Perform Their Best

Yes, even horses need therapists.

12/02/2019 By Hannah Wallace, Kay Kipling, and Cooper Levey-Baker

Health Report

Groundbreaking Prostate Cancer Trial Taking Place in Sarasota

The treatment, called immunotherapy modulation, involves the injection of a modified cold virus—containing a single gene from the herpes virus—directly into the prostate.

11/07/2019 By Hannah Wallace


New Medicare Nursing Home Ratings Released

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released its latest rankings.

10/29/2019 By Hannah Wallace

Health Report

New Robot Aids in Knee Replacements

Using 3D imaging and real-time intraoperative data, ROSA allows for improved accuracy and alignment, reducing the number of failed knee replacements.

10/25/2019 By Hannah Wallace